Home » Seton Harker Heights Participates in “Stop the Bleed” National Campaign

Seton Harker Heights Participates in “Stop the Bleed” National Campaign

Stope the Bleed words logo

Health professionals across the nation, including Seton Harker Heights’ Trauma Program Manager Joy Custer, are participating in the Stop the Bleed campaign. Through lectures and hands-on training, the program teaches the general public lifesaving trauma techniques in the event of a medical emergency.

Custer shared, “Stop the Bleed is important because it gives the average person the knowledge to recognize life threatening bleeding in an injured person, and the skills to know how to stop that bleeding and activate emergency services to save a life.”

According to the coalition’s website, uncontrolled bleeding is a major cause of preventable deaths and approximately 40% of trauma-related deaths worldwide are due to bleeding or its consequences, establishing hemorrhage as the most common cause of preventable death in trauma.

Through proper training and materials, the healthcare community is focusing on education to prevent the loss of life, now more than ever. 

Nurse giving stop the bleed instructions

“Mass casualty incidents in recent years have demonstrated how effective bystander intervention to stop life-threatening bleeding is in saving lives, even before emergency services personnel arrive,” explained Custer.

“As a trauma program manager, I am passionate about injury prevention,” shared Custer. 

“Trauma is a leading cause of death across all age groups, and bleeding is a major factor in those deaths. Teaching lay people how they can recognize and stop bleeding gives trauma victims a greater chance of survival when they hit our emergency room doors,” explained Custer. 

Custer emphasizes the importance of Seton Harker Heights’ role in helping train and equip the nation for medical emergencies.

“It is important that our hospital be involved in community events and education, such as Stop the Bleed, to communicate our commitment to health and safety. I am happy to represent Seton Medical Center Harker Heights in many different community outreach opportunities.” 

Click here to learn more about Stop the Bleed.