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Admission Information

Preparing For Your Stay

We are dedicated to giving you as much information about what to expect as we can. The following information is helpful for preparing for any procedure you may have.

What to Expect

Your medical or surgical team will prepare you for your specific procedure. If you are having surgery, your pre-operative assessment nurse will go over key areas, such as:

  • Reviewing medications/supplements you take now
  • Reviewing medical/surgical history
  • Reviewing anesthesia/sleep apnea history
  • Confirming your procedure, side/site
  • Discussing post-operative pain management 
  • Discussing any labs/EKG/chest x-ray (if ordered)
  • Discussing what medications to take day of surgery
  • Discussing when to stop eating/drinking before surgery
  • Discussing what time to arrive day of surgery
  • Answering questions or addressing any special needs

Contact Number
Please give us a number where you can be reached on the day of surgery. This will allow us to reach you should your surgery time be changed at the last minute.

Post-Surgery Medications
If you are given a prescription by your surgeon, please have it filled before your surgery.

On the Night Before Surgery
Shower or bathe (reduces normal bacteria on your skin) and brush your teeth. Follow any special bathing instructions your doctor provided. Also, follow instructions for when to stop eating and drinking.

Day of Surgery

Before you come to the hospital

  • Shower or bathe
  • Brush your teeth
  • Wear clean, loose and comfortable clothing
  • Remove all body jewelry/facial piercings and leave at home
  • Do not wear makeup or lotion
  • Wear glasses – do not wear contacts (bring the case)

What to bring with you

  • Any paperwork from your surgeon
  • Photo ID and insurance card
  • Copy of living will or medical power of attorney, if you have one
  • Brace, sling or crutches (if applicable)
  • Someone over age 18 to drive you home
  • Co-payment (if applicable)
  • Sleep apnea patients should bring their CPAP machine. Please empty water prior to arrival.

Eating and Drinking

  • Do not drink alcohol or take street drugs for at least 24 hours before your surgery
  • No smoking or tobacco use the day of surgery
  • Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before surgery
  • Take only medications as instructed
  • Your surgeon or nurse will

Arriving for Surgery

Admitting (Registration)

  • Check-in at the registration desk to complete your registration packet.
  • If necessary, deductibles or co-payments will be collected at this time.
  • After registration, you will be directed to the surgical area.

Pre-Op Area

During Pre-Op

  • Go through the patient verification process
  • Take tests for allergies, vital signs, labs (if indicated), blood glucose (if diabetic), urine pregnancy test (if female of child-bearing age), and possible drug screen
  • Change into a hospital gown, review medications and medical/surgical history, and review or sign surgical consent
  • Have your IV started with any medications your surgeon ordered. (Small children generally do not get IVs in pre-op area)
  • Visit with your surgeon to answer any last minute questions
  • Visit with the anesthesia provider to discuss anesthesia, answer questions and sign consent
  • Visit with your operating room nurse to review patient ID, procedure, allergies, etc.
  • Your surgical site may require preparation


  • We welcome and encourage visitors, but we may need to limit how many are with you at one time, or ask visitors to take turns
  • Parents of children having surgery will remain with them before and after surgery. You must remain in the building at all times during your child’s surgery.
  • Small children cannot be left unattended in the surgical waiting area at any time. They are not allowed in the recovery area as a visitor.

After Surgery

Outpatient Surgery Patients

  • Your surgeon may speak with your family in the waiting room or call them on the phone
  • You will be taken to the recovery room until you awaken, then one family member will be allowed to be with you (usually one hour after arrival)
  • Parents of children having surgery will be able to be in the recovery room
  • The nurse will evaluate you, give you pain medications and discharge you home or to your room
  • You should expect some pain after surgery, but we will make every effort to safely minimize your pain and keep you comfortable
  • We use a pain scale of 0-10. 0=no pain and 10=severe pain.
  • You will be given written discharge instructions when going home
  • An adult (over age 18) must drive you home
  • We recommend that a responsible adult be with you at home for the first 24 hours after outpatient surgery
  • We may call you 24-48 hours after your surgery to see how you are doing

Inpatient Surgery Patients

All of the After Surgery list (above) will apply, plus:

  • Pack a small suitcase with bathrobe, basic toiletries, and reading material. Please leave valuables at home.
  • For your safety and well-being, please allow us to assist you when getting out of bed.